〔美国工人歌谣〕传教士和奴隶 The Preacher and the Slave or Pie in the Sky
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最著名的美国传统工人歌谣之一,收入IWW的歌曲集。工人歌手先驱乔·希尔(Joe Hill)于1911年按照赞美诗 "Sweet By and By" 的曲调填的词,讽刺所谓的宗教慈善组织“救世军”(The Slavation Army)。救世军声称在尘世要受苦,死后才能进天堂。乔·希尔嘲笑它是“挨饿军”(the Starvation Army)。由于歌词的讽刺意味十足,所以曲子也宜唱得欢快、调皮。不仅许多著名的工运歌手、进步歌手喜欢唱它,在一般带有抗争或反资意味的聚会上,它也是常备曲目。视频为皮特·西格(Pete Seeger)1965年演唱版,略去了第三节歌词。
瑞典导演维德伯格(Bo Widerberg)1971年拍摄的影片《乔·希尔》当中,有一节关于乔·希尔创作和演唱这首歌的片段,挺能唱出这首歌的神气来。乔·希尔的生平简历,可参看本期的另一篇介绍,或点左下角的“阅读原文”。
The Preacher and the Slave
or Pie in the Sky
词 │〔美〕乔·希尔(Joe Hill)
曲 │ 赞美诗“Sweet By and By”
CHORUS:You will eat, bye and bye,In that glorious land above the sky;Work and pray, live on hay,You'll get pie in the sky when you die.
The starvation army they play,They sing and they clap and they pray'Till they get all your coin on the drumThen they'll tell you when you're on the bum:
Holy Rollers and jumpers come out,They holler, they jump and they shout.Give your money to Jesus they say,He will cure all diseases today.
If you fight hard for children and wife --Try to get something good in this life --You're a sinner and bad man, they tell,When you die you will sure go to hell.
Workingmen of all countries, unite,Side by side we for freedom will fight;When the world and its wealth we have gainedTo the grafters we'll sing this refrain:
FINAL CHORUS:You will eat, bye and bye,When you've learned how to cook and to fry.Chop some wood, 'twill do you good,And you'll eat in the sweet bye and bye.
瑞典电影《Joe Hill》片段
注:这首歌最早发表在1911年7月6日版的IWW“小红歌本”(Little Red Songbook)上,题为“长头发的传教士”(Long Haired Preachers)。
来源:伊迪丝·福克(Edith Fowke)和乔·格雷泽(Joe Glazer),《工作与抗议之歌》(Songs of Work and Protest),纽约,1973年,第157页。